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1943 The Saturday Evening Post Magazine (Allied Forces Flags by John Atherton) cover only
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1943 Saturday Evening Post (Red Cross Volunteer by Garland) Magazine cover art
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Frank Godwin, 40's Color Illustration,print art (Nazi's--airplane crash) 1943 Liberty Magazine Art
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Schlitz Beer, 40's (you don't have to wait until after the war-[teddy bear) 1943 Liberty Magazine
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Bell Telephone System, 40's (Joe needs the long distance lines tonight) 1943 Liberty Magazine
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Ethyl Gasoline, 40's Print ad. (what's in a name?) Original Vintage 1943 Liberty Magazine Print Art
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Paul Jones Whiskey, 40's Print ad. "I wish to report a robbery, little brother"1943 Magazine Art
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Philadelphia Whiskey, 40's Print ad. (A Philadelphia Tradition) 1943 Liberty Magazine Print Art
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O.F. Schmidt, 40's Color Illustration,print art (man and woman on beach) 1943 Liberty Magazine Art
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Carl Mueller, 40's Color Illustration, print art (woman boxer) Rare 1943 Liberty Magazine Art
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Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, 40's shopper of Blue Ribbon Town,put on her slacks and discarded her gown
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Abner Dean, Cartoon. 30's Esquire Magazine Color Illustration Print art (Just Married)
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Abner Dean, 30's Esquire Magazine Color Illustration (Mama, what kind of a man was DADDY)
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Abner Dean, Cartoon. Original 30's Esquire Magazine Color Illustration (Literature in the raw)
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Abner Dean, Cartoon. 30's Esquire Magazine Illustration (The City's Finest)
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Abner Dean, Cartoon. Color Illustration Print art (Man in the making)
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Ty Mahon, Cartoon. Original Print art (Do you mind if I slip into something more comfortable)
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Ty Mahon, (I suppose you're wondering how I happened to pick you for the lead in the show)
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Ty Mahon, Cartoon. (But I haven't any symptoms yet, Doctor-you see, I only just heard about you)
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Ty Mahon, Cartoon. 30's Esquire Magazine (But, Dear, I must take my wife out once in a while)
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Dedini, 40's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon) Rare 1948 Esquire Magazine Art
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McKay, 40's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon) Rare 1948 Esquire Magazine Art
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Shermond, 40's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon, office party) 1948 Esquire Magazine Art
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Philco Refrigerator, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (beautiful cartoons) 1948 Life Magazine Art
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Geoge Petty, 30's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon, one at a time)1935 Esquire Magazine
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Geoge Petty, 30's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon, would you) Rare 1935 Esquire Magazine
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Geoge Petty, 30's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon, his secretary) Rare 1935 Esquire Magazine
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Geoge Petty, 30's Color Illustration (Cartoon, diamond ring) Rare 1936 Esquire Magazine Art
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E. Simms Campbell, 30's Color Illustration (Cartoon, parade) Rare 1935 Esquire Magazine Art
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E. Simms Campbell, 30's Color Illustration, print art, (Cartoon, developing film) 1935 magazine art
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1935 Aeroform Nash Car, 30's Print Ad. (R.P.S. Everything a motor car should have)
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1935 Nash 400 Car, 30's Print Ad. Color Illustration (the whole town's talking...street scene)
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Alexis de Sakhnoffsky,new car sketches 30's Print Ad. 1 page two sided Color Illustration
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1935 Nash Car $895, 30's Print Ad. (LaFayette, Ambassador, Victoria) 1935 Esquire Magazine Art
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1935 Auburn Super-Charged Car, 30's Print Ad. Color Illustration (over100 miles per hour) 1935 Art
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1935 LaSalle, 30's Print Ad. Color Illustration (beautiful brilliant red car)
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1935 Auburn Super-Charged Speedster Car, 30's Print Ad. (women like it...100 miles per hour)
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Baby Ruth Candy Bar, 40's Print Ad. Illustration (Uncle Sam needs Baby Ruth)1943 Magazine Art
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The Duck...Amphibian Truck, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (General Motors) 1943 Magazine Art
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John Vickery, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Cadillac Tanks...Victory) 1943 Magazine Art
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New Idea Farm Machines, 40's Vintage Print Ad. Color Illustration, 1943 Magazine Art
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Morton Salt Company, Chicago, 40's Vintage Print Ad. (meat curing time)1943 Magazine Art
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Fashion Page, 40's Print ad. (girls and women dresses) 1940 Home Arts Magazine Print Art
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1940 Home Arts Magazine Cover (New Year's Eve. calendar by Mary Sherwood Wright Jones
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the full glory, 40's Print ad. ( 1940 Better Homes and Gardens Magazine Print Art
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Gargoyle Mobiloil, 40's Color Illustration, Frederic Stanley art. boy with tooth tied to door knob
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Coca Cola, 40's Print ad. Illustration (the six-bottle carton)1940 Magazine Print Art
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1940 Woman's Day Magazine (horses pulling sleigh in snow, beautiful Christmas Scene) cover only
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Prayer for Christmas by Kathleen Norris, Print, [Church Illustration] 1940 Woman's Day Magazine
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Recipes for easy housecleaning by Isabel Cornell (Walls and Wallpaper) 1940 Magazine Print
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Gold Medal Flour, Print Ad. Illustration (Gingies for Christmas) 1940 Woman's Day Magazine Art
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Della T. Lutes, 40's Illustration, print art (Wedding) 1940 Rare, Woman's Day Magazine Art
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Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 40's Print Ad (A&P Nectar Tea, Our Own Tea) Magazine Art
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1940 Woman's Day Magazine Cover (child with apple) Color Illustration (2 Cent magazine) cover only
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Henry J. Soulen, 40's Color Painting, print art (horeses sleds, christmas scene) Magazine Art
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Table Setting Cover, 40's Illustration, painting, print art, 1940 Home Arts Magazine Cover Art
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Wagstaff, 40's Illustration (boy and girl dancing) Original Rare 1940 Home Arts Magazine Cover Art
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Miss Kate Swift, painting* 1800's Illman Brother's Print art. ("A stitch in time saves nine")
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W.C.T. Dobson,A.R.A. painting* 1800's Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. ("Mama's Birthday")
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R.H. Reed, painting* 1800's Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. ("Soldier's Orphans")
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Geo. C. Lambdin, painting* 1800's Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. ("Golden Summer")
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Tobacco Bag by Mrs. Jane Weaver* 1800's Print art. (tobacco bag) Original Vintage, 1866
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Spring Days, painting* 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's (girl picking flowers) 1866
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J. Portaels, painting* 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. (La Clycine)
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The Family Picnic, 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. (family by pond/horse)
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Haynes Williams,Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art.
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C. Halder,Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's ("the flowers in the woods")
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Children's Costumes for a Fancy Party, 1800's Printed by Illman Brother's (looks like cinderella?)
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Byram,Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's, Print art. ("A born Coquette")
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A. Johnston,Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's, Print art. ("Ruth")
Art > Prints -> Limited Edition Prints -> Other Limited Edition
J.R. Lambdin,Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. ("who bit my apple")
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The Butterfly,Painting 1800's Illman Brother's Print art. little girl chasing a butterfly in field
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Fashion Page, 1800's (latest fashions for the day 1865, berthe and body,head dresses)
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Fashion Page, 1800's (latest fashions of the time (carriage dress/Josephine, name for marking)1865
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (walking dress:girl's dress/chemise york)
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (children's fashions for september)
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Farms in Illinois 900,000 acres,1800's print ad (for sale by--Illinois Centeral Railroad Co.)
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (children's fashions for December)
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Peterson's Magazine 1867,young girl 5 different poses, by Illman Brother's Print art.
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C.W. Cope.R.A. 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. "no rose without a thorn"
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J. Becker, Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. ("Minnie's Pet")
Art > Prints -> Limited Edition Prints -> Other Limited Edition
Love's Young Dream, 1800's Illman Brother's. Young Man and Woman with dog "love's young dream"
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Lost in the snow, Painting 1800's Print art. (man finds young woman and baby in snow)
Art > Prints -> Limited Edition Prints -> Other Limited Edition
Horses, Painting 1800's Engraved by Illman Brother's Print art. ("Horses escaping a fire")
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Fashion Page, 1800's Print art. latest fashions (watch pocket,in velvet and beads)
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (invalid's jacket,bonnet,swiss dress)
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (new styles of jackets,empire bonnets)
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Peterson's Magazine 1865,kids playing in snow, Painting 1800's by Illman Brother's
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Theodor Jenson, Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's Print art. ("Papa!Papa")
Art > Prints -> Limited Edition Prints -> Other Limited Edition
Loui's first love letter, Painting 1800's Illman Brother's, woman sitting in chair reading letter
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Banner or Hand Screen, January 1867 Color Art (over 145 years old/beautiful)
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C. Becker, Painting 1800's Engraved & Printed by Illman Brother's, Print art. ("Au Revoir")
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (children's fashions for January 1867)
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Fashion Page, latest fashions of the time (Turkish Tobacco Pouch/by Mrs. Jane Weaver)
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time(Cape May in full toilet)
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Fashion Page, 1800's latest fashions of the time (children's fashion page for August 1866)
Art > Prints -> Limited Edition Prints -> Other Limited Edition