Old Forester Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. Full Page Color Illustration (chess board, flower)
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Walker's Gin, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Cassia grows on sloping hills of China)
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Greyhound Bus, 40's Print Ad. (beautiful mountain scene / man on horse, mother and child)
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The Travelers Insurance Co. 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (canoe scene) Magazine Print Art
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Ronald McLeod, Magazine Cover 1946 (Abraham Lincoln, campain poster by Ronald McLeod)
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Hastings Piston Rings, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (tough but oh so gentle) Magazine Print Art
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Casco Electri-Craft, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (art painting by Boris Artzybasheff)
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Ray-O-Vac Batteries, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (leakproof) Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Calox Tooth Powder, 40's Print Ad. B&W Illustration (Dorothy Lamour) Magazine Print Art
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Black & White Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. B&W Illustration (Blackie and Whitey by a coal shut)
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Sanka Coffee, 40's Print Ad. B&W Illustration (the city slicker and the farmers daughter)
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Martha Sawyers, 40's Painting / Color Illustration, Print art (Mrs Bashiran of Delhi, India)
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Ulrich Calvosa, 40's Painting / Color Illustration, Print art (Paris Model 1946) Magazine Art
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Arlene Wolf, 40's Color Illustration, Print art (Greeting Pal!) 1946 Collier's Magazine Art
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From This Day Forward. Original Movie Print Ad. Joan Fontaine, Mark Stevens, Henry Morgan
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National Lead Company, 40's Print Ad.(the drop of solder that puts a cow in your kitchen) 1946
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Dixie Belle Gin, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Carnation-state flower of Ohio by Everett Henry)
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Seagram's V.O. Canadian Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. (communications of tomorrow)1946 Print Art
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William Penn Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. (Eagle Inn, Newton, N.H.) 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Four Roses Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Whoa, Dobbin!) Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Corn Products Refining Co., 40's Print Ad. Illustration (nature's own recipe) Magazine Print Art
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Ethyl Gasoline,40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (where it really gets cold) 1946 Magazine Art
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Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Danny Kaye) 1946 Magazine Print Art
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1946 Collier's Magazine Cover art, Color Illustration (woman looking at post cards, from her man)
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Kleenex, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Little LuLu) Original 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Ovaltine, 40's Print Ad. llustration (for Vigorous morning freshness) 1946 Magazine Print Art
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Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream, 40's Print Ad. (I let the cat out of the bag!) 1946 Magazine Print Art
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U.S. Army Recruiting Station, 40's Print Ad.(Dwight D. Eisenhower, pay scale for enlisted men) 1946
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Bell Tlephone, 40's Print Ad.(we're catching up with those telephone orders) Magazine Print Art
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Old Tayler Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration,of topmost choice. Magazine Print Art
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Calvert Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. white cat "guess they'll enjoy sitting by the fire too"
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Borden's Milk, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Elsie the cow) 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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American Airlines System, 40's Print Ad. (Compare the fare... You'll go by air) Magazine Print Art
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Electro Motive Division, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (art by Gaston Sudaka) Print Art
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Brown-Forman's King Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. (Bobsledding at Lake Placid, painting by Taylor Lewis)
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Nash Cars, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Not years from now...But now) Magazine Print Art
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Body by Fisher, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Bandbox Look) 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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The Airlines of the United States, 40's Print Ad. Illustration (It pays to Fly art by Bingham)
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Hiram Walker's Gin, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Orris root from Italy) Magazine Print Art
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1946 Jan. Collier's Magazine Cover art, Illustration (winter, summer clothing dichotomy)
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Mead Schaeffer, 40's Illustration "Family Musicale" number 2 in the series, "Home Life in America"
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Goebel Beer, 40's Print Ad. (the man that got away) 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art Art
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Ansco Films & Cameras, 40's Print Ad. Illustration (problem child!)1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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United States fidelity & Guaranty Co., 40's Print Ad.(Michigan's capitol at Lansing) Print Art
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the Milwaukee Road, 40's Print Ad. Illustration (Washington the Evergreen Playground) Print Art
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Talon Slide Fastener, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Why this Bridal Gown costs $650!)
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Old Forester Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. (beautiful tray of drinks) Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Schenley Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Rooster / Bright thought for spring...)
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Sealed Power Piston Rings, 40's Print Ad.Color Illustration (boys first smoke) Magazine Print Art
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William Penn Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Jolly Tarlton Inn, New Hampshire Pike)
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New York Central, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Magis Carpet) 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Four Roses Whiskey, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Mind if we plant an idea?)1946 Magazine Art
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RCA Victor Victrola, 40's Print ad. Illustration ("Golden Throat") 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Idwal Jones, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (wine and steak) Magazine Print Art
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General Electric Radios, 40's Print ad. Illustration (Perry Como and Martha stewart "Doll Face")
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Coca Cola, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (service men and women on a train) Magazine Print Art
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Calox Tooth Powder, 40's Print ad. (bright ideas from Hollywood, Eddie Bracken "Hold That Blonde")
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FTD, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (Emily Post Says) 1946 Collier's Magazine Print Art
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Ipana Tooth Paste, 40's Print ad. Full Page B&W Illustration (young girl, problem pop)
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1946 Dodge Trucks, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (kids playing in snow / Fields Delivery Truck)
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Philadelphia Whiskey, George Washington arriving at home of Mistress Betsy Ross, art by Greco
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Champion Spark Plugs, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (airplane) Magazine Print Art
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Douglass DC-6, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (coming soon) Magazine Print Art
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Hudson Car, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (beautiful cars, 2 women)
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Western Electric, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (our big job for the Bell System)
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Mercury Cars, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (1946 mercury, man, woman and dog)
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Old Grand Dad Whiskey, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (art by Brindle / artistic achievement)
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Presteline Electric Range, 40's Print ad. (Mrs. America.. here's the range you asked for)
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Florsheim Shoes, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (wing toe shoes)
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General Electric Radios, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (Frances Langford, star of Bob Hope show)
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Clark's Teaberry Gum, 40's Print ad. Full Page Color Illustration (packed with good taste)
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Paul Jones Whiskey, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (let's explore my favorite discovery)
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1946 Collier's Magazine Cover art (rabbits watching skiers) by Francis Chase
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L'Orle Lodorante, 40's Print ad. Illustration (masculine refreshant) Original 1946 Magazine Art
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Canadian Pacific, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration(Banff Springs Hotel) Original 1946 Art
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Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (mother, dad and baby) 1946
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Seebee Republic Aviation, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration(landings unlimited) Original 1946
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Zenith Radio, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (zenith cobra tone arm) Original 1946 Magazine Art
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Schlitz Beer, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (for gracious living) 1946 Magazine Print Art
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Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (shrimp cocktail) 1946 Magazine Print Art
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TWA, 40's Print ad. Color Illustration (and the world at your feet) Original1946 Magazine Print Art
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1946 Hudson Car, 40's Print ad. full page Color Illustration (beautiful red car) 1945 Print Art
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Piper Airplane, 40's Print ad. Full page Color Illustration (family in airplane) 1946 Magazine Art
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L.R. Gustavson, 40's Color Illustration, print art (Auction off, kids pony) 1946 Magazine Art
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Amos Sewell, 40's Color Illustration, print art (Mamma makin crayon portrait) Rare 1946 Art
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Harold Von Schmidt, 40's Color Illustration, print art (bear grease) Rare 1946 Magazine Art
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Li'L Abner by Al Capp, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (Cream of Wheat) 1946 Post Magazine Art
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Dr. Pepper 10-2-4, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (drink a bite to eat) 1946 Post Magazine Art
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John Atherton, 40's Color Illustration, Cover print art, (Scarecrow) 1946 Post Magazine Cover Art
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Good Year Tires, 40's Print Ad. Color Illustration (machine to test tires) 1946 Post Magazine Art
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National Dairy, 40's Print Ad. Illustration (harvest is only half the battle) 1946 Post Magazine
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James M. Sessions, 40's Color Illustration, print art (Ducks,action series...Stahly Razor ad.)
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