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Gender criticism essay on the yellow wallpaper
Both female and male writers have published considerable number of work on gender issues. Society is torn apart on the roles and the place of women. Men seem to dominate in all spheres of live. This domination has triggered a lot of retaliation from the women fraternity. Gender criticism essay on the yellow paper delineate on the way society has failed to embrace equality.
Men in the society are looked upon in the as the providers, protectors and the heads of the families. Society has bestowed upon men the duty of looking after the wellbeing of the whole family. However, this seems to offend women, who feel that they are ignored
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Women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands. Society has inculcated in people values that define men and women in society differently.
For instance, men are socialized to provide direction while women socialized to be submissive and respectful to their husbands. Women cry foul for the inequity and discrimination that men have
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Society should transform and learn to appreciate that time has changed and the roles of women and men have changed too. There is therefore, need for everybody to appreciate each other and treat one another the same way we would like to be treated by others. Equality should reign in our day-to-day co-existence to ensure that oppression based on gender is avoided.