Welcome To InCareRx Free Prescription Discount Card, lowest overall prices at most chains, HIPAA compliant, and no mail order offerings that compete with pharmacies or agents! Save 14% to 21% on Brand, and sometimes over 90% on generics, depending on what medication you are prescribed!
InCareRx Patient's benefit: We have the highest overall savings of any other card in the market; this means the lowest overall prices on prescription drugs. There is no need to shop around; with this card they receive the same low price at every participating pharmacy. Use your favorite chain Pharmacy and keep using them with comfort that you are receiving the lowest price available. Patients Information is NEVER disclosed or sold to any third party, nor released to anyone for any purpose. InCareRx Free Prescription Discount Card is HIPAA compliant.
Save 10 - 90% off all your prescriptions
Everyone is Approved
Instant Activation
No Pre-Existing Conditions
No Waiting Periods
Never Expires
The card is free, you are paying for shipping.
You don't need a physical card to use it. Just show the picture to your pharmacist.
You can even write it down. What is important is the
Group: NCR1318 ********Must have correct group to use!!
InCareRx Patient's benefit: We have the highest overall savings of any other card in the market; this means the lowest overall prices on prescription drugs. There is no need to shop around; with this card they receive the same low price at every participating pharmacy. Use your favorite chain Pharmacy and keep using them with comfort that you are receiving the lowest price available. Patients Information is NEVER disclosed or sold to any third party, nor released to anyone for any purpose. InCareRx Free Prescription Discount Card is HIPAA compliant.
Save 10 - 90% off all your prescriptions
Everyone is Approved
Instant Activation
No Pre-Existing Conditions
No Waiting Periods
Never Expires
The card is free, you are paying for shipping.
You don't need a physical card to use it. Just show the picture to your pharmacist.
You can even write it down. What is important is the
Group: NCR1318 ********Must have correct group to use!!
Payment Methods

USPS, FREE Shipping
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