Sinicuiche, the Mexican "magical drink causing oblivion," is made from the leaves: The preparation of the drink involves laying the slightly wilted leaves in water for a day and then pressing these thoroughly the following day. The juice obtained in this manner is allowed to ferment. In this way, one obtains a peculiar, not unpleasant-tasting drink whose effects are derived from other substances that are produced during fermentation. (Reko 1938, 142*) A more modern recipe calls for adding one handful of freshly crushed wilted leaves per person to water and allowing this to sit in the sun for a couple of days, whereupon the liquid will begin to ferment slightly. One cup of this is said to induce yellowish vision and mild euphoria (D. McKenna 1995,102*) "The farmers in certain parts of Mexico use the word sinicuichi for a drink that is produced from a plant that bears the same name. When taken over an extended period of time, gross forgetfulness occurs. The sinicuichi drinkers usually have no clear and correct orientation concerning space and time. They forget things that took place only a few hours ago, and they tell you things as great news that they told you just minutes earlier without being aware that they are repeating themselves. In contrast, ideas and memories from years ago, which have more or less engraved themselves into their memories, are correctly reproduced. Some babble that they are able to precisely recall occurrences that took place during the first days of their lives, and others that they can even recall events that took place before they came into the world, things that their grandfathers may have experienced and that they describe as if they were their own memories from a time before they were born." VIKTOR A. REKO MAGISCHE GIFTE [MAGICAL POISONS] (1938,140 f.*) The products available here have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products listed on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Research all herbals and consult a doctor before beginning any herbal use. Use at your own risk. Anyone and anything related to this site cannot be held accountable for any of your actions or choices. All information provided on this site is for educational and research purposes only. Sold for research and aesthetic purposes only and Not sold for human consumption.