Innkeeper Jack’s notes on THIS recipe:
There are few soups so justifiably famous as New England clam chowder. And there are almost as many recipes for it as there are coastal cooks in New England. Until I tasted Michael's, I thought mine was the best of them all. A vain man, I nevertheless yield first place to him now.
Manhattan clam chowder is of course an out-and-out aberration. If God had meant there to be tomatoes in this soup, tomatoes would be growing right there in the seabed alongside the clams.
By Way of Introduction (to the cookbook) …
Let me sip the soup of the night at a restaurant and I have a fair idea of what lies ahead with the rest of the menu. Let me do the same at a private home and I know how much I have to rely upon my dinner companions to make the evening memorable. Good company, gracious table settings, and a sense of caring can save later dishes somewhat - - but nothing saves a soup that is pretentious, undisciplined or bland.
Some folks are chocaholics, our Inn draws them in droves. Some are shrimpaholics -- or more accurately, shrimp sauce-aholics. I’m a soupaholic. Unabashed. Unrepentant. That’s why I love writing the notes for this book and why I dream of what caring cooks will do with it.
Were my favorite soups from long ago as good as I now recall them? That habitant pea soup at Quebec’s Chateau Frontenac in 1944, the lemon and lamb soup on a Greek freighter the next year, Mother’s turkey soup a week or so after any Christmas, the mulligatawny at Raga and the borscht at the Russian Tea Room in New York in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. The fresh vegetable soup on the Bests’ farm in Canada for ever so long. How good were they really?
It doesn’t matter. The fact that I remember each of them so fondly is enough. Most entrees and nearly all desserts have faded into a fuzzy mélange of fine food - with a sweetbread here, a sole there, and a roast chicken somewhere else. But the soups linger on. I’ve come to realize that when folks say of the soup, “That’s a meal in itself”, they’re not saying that their stomachs are full. They are saying indirectly what Oliver Twist said so directly: “Please, sir, I want some more.”
We are publishing this book because so many guests have asked for it in our first 15 months of operation. There are Chef Michael Brown’s and my favorites from his kitchen at the Inn. And the best news is that they are an accurate indication of what the entire meal will be like here. At long last!
Jack Coleman
In The Chef’s Own Words (to the cookbook) …
I first learned to cook from two extraordinary people, my grandmother, and my mother. My grandmother, an immigrant, was once offered a cook’s position at Cincinnati’s Gibson Hotel. An uncle convinced her to turn it down. “The hours are too long and the work’s too hard,” he said.
Years later, when I decided to become a chef, she repeated the advice given her. “The hours are too long and the work’s too hard.” She’s right, but I’m glad I ignored the advice.
Every Saturday was soup day at our house, beginning with the making of beef or chicken broth early in the morning. (Small wonder that I urge any cook to start with a good stock!) I did my own first experimenting in college, soup was a pleasant change from philosophy. The lentil soup here is from those one-pot meal days. And then in the Culinary Institute of America at Hyde Park, I moved on to stock-making and more elegant soups. As saucier at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cincinnati, I had the task of putting all I knew to the test.
All of my background came in handy when I arrived at the Inn at Long Last as chef. From the first, we have had two soups on every night’s changing menu. That means that every recipe in this book has been used and perfected in our kitchen.
Soup-making is NOT an exact science. For instance, take the matter of herbs. Fresh ones are clearly best, but dried ones are satisfactory if that’s all you have, just cut the amount by one-third. Or take the meaning of “dice”. For me, large dice means pieces of about one inch square, medium dice: half an inch, and fine dice: one eighth inch. But anyone who takes time to measure probably shouldn’t be making soup anyway. So it’s not a science. But basics still matter, and good stock is basic. It’s worth the work.
There are many people I would like to thank, beginning with those whose books and articles have taught me so much. Frances Moore Lappe, Craig Claiborne, Pierre Franey, Jean Hewitt, Nancy Baggett, Ruth Glick, Jeannette Ferrary, Louise Fiszer, Augurte Escoffier, and Jeremiah Tower. In our Inn kitchen, I have had critical help from Lea Graham, Kristin Hutchens, Lisa Lockerby, Carolyn Parks, Nancy Pill, and Michael Williams. Jack Coleman, innkeeper and co-writer here, inspired confidence and integrity; Karen Grob, who designed and illustrated this book and also helped to edit the recipes; Anita Brown, Michelle Eddy, Carrie Erskine, and Denise Robinson, who helped transcribe the recipes from rough kitchen notes; my family who have loved and nurtured me all my life; and, most importantly, Anita, my wife has lovingly supported my career. This book and this life is dedicated to her.
Michael Brown
Should you buy multiple recipes, combined reduced cost is:
1 recipe $3.00 + 2 free Beef and Chicken stock recipes (free First Class mailing)
2 recipes $3.50 + 2 free Beef and Chicken stock recipes (free First Class mailing)
3 recipes $4.00 + 2 free Beef and Chicken stock recipes (free First Class mailing)
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For your convenience, below are ALL the recipe titles to be listed:
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT Queen Victoria Chicken Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 3of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Toasted Almond Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 4of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Chilled Red Beet & Cabbage Soup Chef RECIPE Not Cookbook 5of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Chilled Cucumber Tomato Avocado Soup Chef RECIPE 6of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - 2 Melon Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 7of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT Monastic Lentil Flavored with Sherry Soup Chef RECIPE Only 8of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Peach with Amaretto Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 9of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT Split Pea Fresh Herb Corn Cob Smoked Ham Soup Chef RECIPE 10of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - VT Cheddar Cheese Plum Tomato Soup Chef RECIPE Only 11of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Vermont Corn Chowder Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 12of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Gingered Pumpkin Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 13of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Parsnip Carrot Dill Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 14of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Sherry Mushroom Wild Rice Soup Chef RECIPE Not Cookbook 15of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Chilled Cranberry Cream Soup Chef RECIPE Only 16of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Curried Winter Root Vegetable Soup Chef RECIPE Only 17of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Seafarer’s Fishpot Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 18of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - New England Clam Chowder Soup Chef RECIPE Only 19of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Celery Tomato Fennel Seed Soup Chef RECIPE Only 20of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Summer Spinach Toasted Pine Nuts Soup Chef RECIPE Only 21of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT Strawberry Cantaloupe Spearmint Port Soup Chef RECIPE Only 22/28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Chilled Swiss Chard Potato Soup Chef RECIPE Only 23of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Tomato Bisque Thyme Basil Soup Chef RECIPE Only 24of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Roasted Garlic Onion Apple Soup Chef RECIPE Only 25of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT Mushroom Bisque Basil Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 26of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT - Cincinnati Chili Soup Chef RECIPE Only Not Cookbook 27of28
Extinct INN AT LONG LAST Chester VT SquashApplePear Soup Maple Crème Fraiche Chef RECIPE Only 28of28

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