Oscar winner Matt Damon narrates this eye-opening look at the American education system, as viewed from the perspective of four dedicated teachers. Directed by Academy Award winner Vanessa Roth (THE THIRD MONDAY IN OCTOBER) and produced by Dave Eggers (AWAY WE GO), AMERICAN TEACHER aims to address the difficult questions about the broken public school system through honest dialogue with the people who strive to give our children a proper education. Every day, Jamie Fidler, Jonathan Dearman, Erik Benner, and Rhena Jasey each preside over a classroom full of children with unbound potential. But due to the fact that funds are in short supply and the hours can be grueling, it's a constant uphill battle. Perhaps even more troubling is the revelation that over three million American teachers will be eligible for retirement in the next decade, and that the current crop of college graduates are turning away from the profession in droves due to minuscule wages and a complete lack of prestige. Realizing that quality teachers are the key to a good education, Roth profiles four educators who have devoted their careers to the betterment of today's youth but recognize that the entire system could collapse at any moment.
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- Mfg Part # B00668IEZ8
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