Wholesale - Oil Paintings Scenery On Canvas(no framed)
This is a real hand painted oil painting on canva
*100% Hand Painted by an Artist
*This is NOT a print poster or transfer.
*photo is equal to the painting that we sell ?
Short Description:24x36 inchQuantity:1 Piece Package Size:8.0 * 20.0 * 75.0 ( cm ) Gross weight/Package:1.5 ( kg )
You receive the item is no structure and trademarks, and wish you a happy good luck!
This is a real hand painted oil painting on canva
*100% Hand Painted by an Artist
*This is NOT a print poster or transfer.
*photo is equal to the painting that we sell ?
Short Description:24x36 inchQuantity:1 Piece Package Size:8.0 * 20.0 * 75.0 ( cm ) Gross weight/Package:1.5 ( kg )
You receive the item is no structure and trademarks, and wish you a happy good luck!
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I have a Paypal Business / Premier account. I accept credit card payments via Paypal.
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