An Unlikely Match Cynthia Thomason (attitude and dangerous good looks)
An Unlikely Match by Cynthia Thomason
Harlequin SuperRomance
Very good .. slight spine creasing
The cocky ex-Secret Service agent Jack Hogan is determined to point out the security risks in this eccentric little beach town. Mayor Claire Betancourt's town.
Claire is just as determined to protect Heron Point and its free-spirited citizens -- however quirky they may be-from his interference. No way are Jack's take-charge attitude and dangerous good looks going to sway her.
But Claire gets a shocking reality check when her nine-year-old daughter is kidnapped and Jack is the only one who can save her. And he's surprised to discover that what started out as just a job has suddenly become very personal.
An Unlikely Match by Cynthia Thomason
Harlequin SuperRomance
Very good .. slight spine creasing
The cocky ex-Secret Service agent Jack Hogan is determined to point out the security risks in this eccentric little beach town. Mayor Claire Betancourt's town.
Claire is just as determined to protect Heron Point and its free-spirited citizens -- however quirky they may be-from his interference. No way are Jack's take-charge attitude and dangerous good looks going to sway her.
But Claire gets a shocking reality check when her nine-year-old daughter is kidnapped and Jack is the only one who can save her. And he's surprised to discover that what started out as just a job has suddenly become very personal.
- ISBN 0-373-71312-6
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