Silene Capensis (Xhosa African Dream Root)
25 Seeds
Silene Capensis, also known as Silene Undulata, is a perennial herb whose roots were used extensively as a dream inducer (aka. oneirogenic) by healers native to the river valleys of South Africa’s Eastern Cape. It is said to be more effective than calea zacatechichi, with reports of activity at only 250mg. The plant forms short rosettes from the ground eventually producing attractive white flowers.
Growing Information: S. Capensis seeds germinate easily without any sort of pretreatment. They should be sown at a depth of 1/16” in fertile, well-drained soil. Compost works well. Moisten the soil well and keep it moist either by misting or covering the container. Keep the sown seeds at a temperature of about 70-75 degrees. Silene Capensis likes a lot of water, but good drainage is essential for avoiding root rot. Be sure to provide adequate room for root growth. Plants can be brought indoors in the winter in cooler climates. Trimming the tops will promote root growth.

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