I have on hand a large supply of stock size, and some non-stock size frames (see sample pics) made from various moulding profiles from 5x5 to 24x30. I also have comparable sized mats (see sample pics), as well as mat or foam backboards, (both regular and Acid Free).
If you need custom openings cut in your mats I can cut them for a small additional charge.
I have been a Professional Picture Framer and art dealer for over 23 years and have had my framing creations chosen to be showcased in National Art & Picture Framing publications (Decor Magazine)(Picture Frame Magazine) (Art Business News) (Framing Business News) and others, as well as articles and stories written about my gallery in newspapers around the country. I have framed art for customers all over the world.
Email me your Zip Code for S&H costs if you'd like to know a total before you buy. I ship by USPS Priority. If you would prefer a different shipping method please let me know.
Thank you for visiting my Bluejay e-store. Marty Kowerski (Kowerski Gallery)
Check out my online Art gallery at http://www.kowerskigallery.com

In most cases small items will be shipped USPS Priority.
Medium size items will usually be shipped by FedEx.
For all Framed art insurance will be charged to the customer to equal the amount of their purchase.
Send me your shipping address, list whether it is residential or commercial location, and let me know if you have a preferred shipping method and I will do my best to get back to you with the shipping costs asap.
No returns will be accepted unless I, for some unknown reason, would ship the wrong item. BUT to insure that doesn't happen I take a digital picture of all items as they're packed and another after it's packed to show the customer name and address and invoice.
If an item arrives damaged you, the customer, will have to deal with the shipping company insurance. If you choose not to insure an item, FAIR WARNING, you're just out of luck.