Movie Description
In this direct-to-video sequel to one of Disney's most beloved animation classics, the majestic jungle king Simba prepares his daughter Kiara, who has come of age, to inherit the throne of the Pride Lands. While out roaming the countryside, she meets Kovu, chosen by the defeated Outland Pride to destroy Simba. The two lions thwart the plan when they fall for each other, and discover their union may be the key to resolving the two warring Prides. Featured are the voices of original stars Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones, Nathan Lane, and Ernie Sabella. This special edition release, which has vivid images from the digital master, includes entirely new scenes that were not featured in other releases.
Cast: James Earl Jones
Director: Darrell Rooney
Film Notes
DVD Features:
Region 1
2-Disc Set
Letterboxed Widescreen - 1.66
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound - English
DTS 5.1 Surround Sound - English
Additional Release Material:
Featurettes - 1. "One by One" - Animated Short
2. "Proud of SIMBA'S PRIDE" - Making Of
3. "Lots About Lions"
4. Music Videos
Games - 1. "Find Out Why"
2. "Rafiki's Challenge"
3. "Pride Land"
Interactive Features:
"Disney's Song Selection"
Format: DVD
Aug 2004
Rated G
Recording Mode: (unknown)
81 min.
In this direct-to-video sequel to one of Disney's most beloved animation classics, the majestic jungle king Simba prepares his daughter Kiara, who has come of age, to inherit the throne of the Pride Lands. While out roaming the countryside, she meets Kovu, chosen by the defeated Outland Pride to destroy Simba. The two lions thwart the plan when they fall for each other, and discover their union may be the key to resolving the two warring Prides. Featured are the voices of original stars Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones, Nathan Lane, and Ernie Sabella. This special edition release, which has vivid images from the digital master, includes entirely new scenes that were not featured in other releases.
Cast: James Earl Jones
Director: Darrell Rooney
Film Notes
DVD Features:
Region 1
2-Disc Set
Letterboxed Widescreen - 1.66
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound - English
DTS 5.1 Surround Sound - English
Additional Release Material:
Featurettes - 1. "One by One" - Animated Short
2. "Proud of SIMBA'S PRIDE" - Making Of
3. "Lots About Lions"
4. Music Videos
Games - 1. "Find Out Why"
2. "Rafiki's Challenge"
3. "Pride Land"
Interactive Features:
"Disney's Song Selection"
Format: DVD
Aug 2004
Rated G
Recording Mode: (unknown)
81 min.
- UPC 786936231717
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