The prices in this store is $20.00 which includes Priority Post
My Selling Policies:
Google Checkout..easy, safe and fast.
Paypal.... it's quick, easy and safe!
We do take checks and money orders. Please see address to use at the bottom of this page
Fees: At this time we do include the sales taxes.
*Shipping: We ship anywhere in the U.S.A. and Canada.
*For Europe and other countries, please email for postage. We charge a $5.00 fee above the actual postage
*Shipping is with the US Post, 4 business days after receipt of funds have cleared.
*Priority Post Delivery, with a tracking # sent to you. We do not ship on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Refunds & Returns:
*We refund 100% of the cost of the poster once we receive the poster in as good a condition as was sent.
*The refund will be made 3 days after receipt of said poster...via PayPal. We do not refund shipping costs.
You may request a refund within 1 week after receipt of poster/s.
We will expect the return item to be packed in the same manner as was sent.
Contact Me: You may email at any time:
We will respond to emails within 24 hours Monday-Thursday.
You can also call: XX786.261.1637XX during business hours Monday-Thursday...Please leave a message if there is no answer.

Payments are with Paypal
Payments are expected within 7 working days of purchase
We ship USPS
Exchanges are accepted, please get in touch regarding proceedure