Dove Winter Care Limited Edition bath n body bar soap
Have you tried Dove Winter Care? Smells like Heaven, lathers like a rich foamy cloud and makes your skin feel sooo nice.. I bought A LOT of it and I use it but I have a few bars I can spare.. People don’t realize that Anchorage Alaska is considered to be desert climate and we need the extra moisture.. WARNING - this soap just might make you spend more and more time in the shower!
This listing is for a pair of (2) 4.25oz full size bath bars of Dove Winter Care.
*If buying multiple pairs of bars, the shipping would be recalculated for Priority Mail based on total item weight..* Beware: Priority and International shipping can be very expensive so NOT combining shipping may be a lower cost choice! SO make your Invoice but then let me look at it BEFORE you pay - Maybe I can lower the shipping first!
*If you pay via Paypal, I can ship your items on the next business day..
*If you pay via Google Checkout, I can ship by the 3rd business day after you go thru checkout.. For the Quickest shipping, please consider paying with Paypal.
*I also accept Postal money orders thru the mail if you prefer to mail your payment.. Make a Comment right on your Invoice and let me know You'll get a Postal Money Order - and we'll get ya the info you need!
- Brand Dove