- Perfect transaction great seller A++++
- Great material and service +++++
- Great book! Fast shipping! Will buy from again!!! AAA++++++
- Fantastic book and service as always! 110% recommended!!!!!!!!
- Another FLAWLESS transaction! Super fast ship. Thanks so much!!
- Great Book and Great Seller, Super Fast delivery, Thanks, AAAAAAAAAA++++++
- 3rd purchase. Another great book and CD. Fast shipping!
- Prompt shipment., excellent quality. I would buy from this seller again.
- Great Seller Fast Shipper
- Excellent and prompt service. First quality material. A+++
- Beautiful music, I am astonished, something to aspire to, Many thanks
- * * * This book is exceptional * * * It's my 2nd purchase from Allan * * THANKS
- We are enjoying this book and CD!
- Wonderful as always-fast ship & well packed-worth every cent!
- Super book. Super fast delivery. Very satisfied!!!
- The Christmas Music is Beautiful! I know we will buy many more mandolin books!
- Fun music, fine quality book and speedy service. Very satisfying--thanks kindly
- feel good this year; buy this..amazing. again, it's just fun to play. Thank you
There are so many wonderful Christmas Carols for musicians to play. The problem for the instrumentalist with songs verses instrumental pieces lies with the fact that often the lyrics are a large part of the music. The melody is often lovely but fairly short and leaves us with having to either play a short piece or repeat the melody so often we are left with playing a short melody over and over. I thought about this and the solution for me is to write introductions and variations to the pieces. A singer wouldn’t sing the same lyrics every time through. That wouldn’t make sense. It does make sense to extend a piece with variations, keeping the feel of the piece but making it more interesting for both the player and the listener. Almost every piece in this collection has been expanded and I hope they will provide you with a great deal of pleasure. I think you will find these pieces to be playable and addictive. I don't believe there is another book like this available. I can ship First Class for $2.07, priority for $4.05
Presented in both Tablature and Music Notation The music is presented in both music notation and Mandolin TAB (for people that do not read music). The music notation is clear and crisp. I have received numberous compliments on both the beauty and readability of the notation and tablature. This book will help you to learn the tunes quickly whether you depend on the tablature or the music.
Comes With a Compact Disc of the Pieces Performed by Allan Alexander The CD, played by Allan Alexander, gives the musician the advantage of being able to hear how these songs can be played and will make the learning process easier. This is a high quality Digital recording (DDD). In addition to helping the player become familiar with the music, it will also be a source of listening pleasure. You can also turn down either channel (mandolin or guitar) and play along with the CD.