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C O V E R The Wild, Wild West: There's a war out there, and it's pitting oilmen and industrialists against environmentalists and ranchers. The stakes are high. What do we want: The fat of the land or its grandeur? And what kind of shoot-out are we willing to put up with?
Crossing The Divide: An oil company confronts the ghosts of sacred tribal land
Free-For-All In A Forest: Clinton made last-minute monuments, but Bush has delayed full protection. Result: everyone's jumping into the fight over the rules
Not In Our Backyard: Nevadans, battling a nuclear-waste dump in their state, now have a powerful ally in Senator Harry Reid
Plumbing The Pasture: The Powder River basin is a hot "play" in natural gas. And many ranchers are in the game--not that they have a choice
Eco-terrorists: When firebugs bite
ATVs vs. Hikers: Who rules the trail?
- ISBN 2001071600
- Brand TIME

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♕ Only United States shipping is available. Free Shipping (unless noted) All items are in stock and ready to ship. Note: Plants are shipped when weather permits ❀✂Plants are available for shipping mid-March/April through October, plants can not be shipped during freezing temperatures and weather can delay shipping.❀✂
♕ All sales are final ♕ If you have a problem or question regarding your transaction please contact me before purchasing.
Cosmetics/Toiletries these types of items have more risk that someone opened and used making it impossible to resale.
♕ Communication is the key to successful transactions! You are responsible for reading the item description including the seller's policy and accepted payment methods. Photos may be enlarged to show details. I'll email the shipping date to assure you that your package is on the way! Domestic handling time: 3 business days. ♕ Free shipping on products *unless noted* I check my E-mail daily and reply to questions promptly. We are certain you will be happy with your merchandise. If you must return an item, please contact us within 3 days of receipt. We will issue a refund, if returned in the same condition and packaging, excluding any shipping/insurance costs for which you are responsible. Returned merchandise must be received within 7 days of the date from which you contact us regarding the return.