Kitchen Cake Bread Salad BBQ Buffet Cooking Serving Food Utensil -
Can be used for so many different things.
Purchased at a Charity Sale so I am not sure what it was used for, the age, or the material. It seems to be stainless steel.
5 1/2" Long
It has not been cleaned and it is in the exact condition that I found it. Believe it will clean up nicely.
Kitchen Cake Bread Salad BBQ Buffet Cooking Serving Food Utensil -
Can be used for so many different things.
Purchased at a Charity Sale so I am not sure what it was used for, the age, or the material. It seems to be stainless steel.
5 1/2" Long
It has not been cleaned and it is in the exact condition that I found it. Believe it will clean up nicely.
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