Toastin' the Dogs :: Recipes of the Famous | |
There are over 200 favorite recipes from 200 "famous and distinguished" people, including Musicians, Politicians, Actors and Actresses, World Leaders, Sports Figures, Writers, and other VIPs. A Summary of some of them include: " Adams, Bryan Andrews, Julie Asner, Edward Bombeck, Erma Borge, Victor Buckley Jr., William F. Captain Kangaroo Carter, Jimmy & Rosalynn Claiborne, Liz Clinton, Hillary Rodham Conway, Tim Couric, Katie Daly, Tyne DeWine, Mike Espy, Mike Evert, Chris Farrell, Suzanne Goldberg, Whoopi Gore, Tipper Griffin, Merv Heloise King Hussein of Jordan Joel, Billy Jones, James Earl Kerns, Joanna King, Stephen Landers, Ann MacLaine, Shirley Mandela, Nelson Marshall, Penny McCain, Senator John Metzenbaum, Howard Morgan, Memo Nickles, Don Norman, Greg O'Connor, Carroll Palmer, Arnold Peck, Gregory Penn & Teller Principal, Victoria Pryor, David Raphael, Sally Jessy Reagan, Ronald and Nancy Reid, Harry Riley, Jeannie C. Rockefeller Iv, John D. Rogers, Kenny Sawyer, Diane Simon, Paul Smothers, Dick Smothers, Tom Steinem, Gloria Taylor, Elizabeth Thurmond, Strom Warwick, Dionne White, Betty White, Vanna Williams, Montel Willoughby, Lee Davis " This book is in very good condition with minor wear. |
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