50 Stores in category Vintage-Antique Jewelry
213 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
92 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
76 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Quality services and excellent prices make buyers/sellers happiest. Selling antiques, jewelry, china, clothes for all, dolls, books, stamps, gifts, collectible
52 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
My passion is jewelry, finding treasures from the past and present, costume and fine jewelry, to offer to you at the best prices possible so everyone has the op
27 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
25 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
24 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
17 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
10 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
We are a retired couple who loves auctions and estate sales.
10 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
8 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Frog And Bear Creations Jewelry beaded & wire jewelry - Frog And Bear Creations Lapidary cabochons, slabs & stone supply - I have 1144 positive feedback from s
7 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
I have BeachinBoutiqueInc on Etsy & Facebook
All items listed here are made & ready to ship.
We will no longer be selling Digital Plastic Canvas Patterns du
7 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
As a child I adored finding forgotten treasures in Gramma's attic. Now that I'm the sole caretaker for 3+ generations of accumulated "junk" I must sell the thin
7 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
ALMOST ALL VINTAGE ITEMS previously have had lives of their own. They have been used and loved and may have some signs of usual wear consistent with age which a
5 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
4 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
4 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
3 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
3 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
3 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
3 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
3 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing (Genesis 12:2)
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Welcome everyone to my vintage shop. I have loved & collected vintage for many years. I decorate with it, I mix and match vintage with modern. Coming from a lar
2 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Hi Collectors, I am Susan Headapohl and I love to sew, knit, crochet, machine knitting and much more.
I own and operate this eclectic collectibles website,
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Vintage toys and collectibles:
Lego, Star Wars, Pez, Action Figures, Puzzles, Transformers, Games, Fisher Price, Marvel, Tmnt, Hot Wheels LPs,Tools Sports It
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Started in the Jewelry business in 1972 and have not stopped since. It's one of the few jobs were you can be involved in the process from begining to finish. No
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
Welcome to our shop. Here you will find a Bountiful range of interesting and collectible treasures, new, previously owned and vintage. These include handmade pe
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
The items you will find in my website stores are rare and one-of-a-kind vintage items in addition to new items collected from many different places. I have bee
1 items in Vintage-Antique Jewelry
I am a lover and collector of antique and vintage jewelry, I have an extensive collection of beautiful unique items that I am sharing with you in my shop. When