Soul Deep by Lora Leigh Coyote Breeds Ellora's Cave Romance Trade Paperback 1419954628

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Book Condition: Excellent
Edge Wear

Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Published: 2007
Book Month: September
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 190

ISBN-10: 1419954628
ISBN-13: 9781419954627

What couple could be more unlikely than a sassy, independent President's daughter who doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut and a loner Coyote Breed with a hunger for a cute rosebud mouth that he's determined to still.

Kiowa's job is to watch Amanda, the President's daughter. Look but not tough. Just make sure the Secret Service detail assigned to protect her does their job until the new Breed Law is passed. But when the bad guys move in to take her out, Kiowa reluctantly slips into the rescue, snatching Amanda away to safety. But she isn't going to come easy and it takes more than smooth talking to make her see his point of view.

For a man who's had nothing, Amanda Marion is food for the hunger that has tortured him, the reality to every dream Kiowa never dared believe in. What he feels for her is more than heat, more than love. She breathes life into his hardened heart, melting the icy chill and touches a part of him that he thought had died. His soul. And now he'll kill anyone who tries to take her away from him.

But the one person he can't fight is Amanda, and when she wants to leave.
    • ISBN 9781419954627
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