Deadly Deals by Fern Michaels Fiction Book Novel 1420106864 Fantasy

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Book Condition: Very Good
Spine Creases
Edge Wear

Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Published: 2009
Format: Paperback
Pages: 378

ISBN-10: 1420106864
ISBN-13: 9781420106862

The sisterhood makes things right: After years of trying to become pregnant without success, Rachel Dawson and her husband Thomas felt their dreams had finally come true the day they brought home their newly adopted twin babies. Though the lawyer Baron Bell who arranged for the surrogate mother charged a hefty six-figure fee, one glance into the eyes of their precious children told them it was all worth it. Until the birth mother reappeared, first demanding more money, then the twins themselves. Suddenly Baron Bell was nowhere to be found, and the Dawsons were once again childless, heartbroken and nearly destitute.

When the case finds its way to the offices of high-profile attorney Lizzie Fox, she can't wait to take down the so-called "Mr. Wonderful." And she knows she'll have all the help she needs as it's just the kind of crime that really gets the Sisterhood's adrenalin flowing. Once they get their hands on the perpetrators there will be hell to pay, and it will cost a lot more than cold, hard cash.
    • ISBN 9781420106862
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