Enchantress Mine by Bertrice Small Fantasy Book 0451404351 Fiction Novel

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Book Condition: Good
Some Of The Top Edge Pages Are Folded At Great Scene
Bottom Backcover Brown Stain
Edge Wear
Front Cover Top Crease
Spine Crease

Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Format: Paperback

ISBN-10: 0451404351
ISBN-13: 9780451404350

It was a time of savagery, splendor, and undying love!

From the golden pleasure domes of constantinople to the barbaric pomp of Malcolm of Scotland's court, this is the magical tale of ravishingly beautiful Mairin of Aelfleah, called Enchantress by the three men who loved her: Basil, prince of Byzantiuum, who taught her passion's tender secrets...Josselin de Combourg, gallant knight of William the Conqueror and Eric Longsword, the Viking whose tragic love for Mairin would never be fulfilled. And in their wild world gone mad with savage war, only love could triumph over all!

Erotic Book
    • ISBN 9780451404350
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